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Under the intelligent guidance of Vasily Ivanovich, the Russian Mafia in London is rapidly expanding its business on the European continent and has discovered a new, ingenious way to launder the proceeds. 

The heir to the London gangster Jeremiah Flint decides to send incriminating evidence about Matthias Callaghan to Scotland Yard in retaliation for Callaghan’s past dealings with Flint. When Callaghan travels with his young family to Italy, he’s arrested on arrival.

After being extradited to the UK, Callaghan is eventually released from jail after putting up the requested bail. However, after walking out of prison, he immediately vanishes despite by court order being equipped by the police with a tracking device. Everyone is looking for him, but no one knows where or why he has disappeared.


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Excerpt: Callaghan in the Cross Hairs


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Callaghan in the Cross Hairs

"Ekemar revisits the adventurous exploits of Matthias Callaghan in this exhilarating opening to a new trilogy.

"Ekemar spends the lion’s share of this installment laying out the protagonist’s situation while establishing the various characters and what roles they’ll play in the cliffhanger ending.

"He effectively assembles a complex web of mobsters, reporters, cops (clean and dirty, local and international), smugglers, and people who’ve been wronged by one or more of Callaghan’s ever shifting personae. The action bounces around to encompass Russian gangster machinations in the United Kingdom, a smuggling operation by plane and camel caravan in Morocco and Mauritania, other members of the Russian mob tailing a dirty cop as he lives it up in France, a crucial arrest at an Italian airport, and a blissfully ignorant Callaghan awaiting his third child. In between, Ekemar skillfully and unobtrusively recaps pertinent details of Callaghan’s unique history via dialogue, introspection, speculation, and exposition. Readers will find it useful to read Ekemar’s last four Callaghan books before approaching this one. However, it will surely please established fans.

"A fast-paced, page-turning continuation of a singular and thought-provoking series."

                        – Kirkus Reviews