Endangered eskimo amulet.

Ancient heatwaves frozen in time.

The present feeding on the past.

Moonscape disturbed by solar winds.

Starlight on the horizon of a distant blue planet.

A quarter to midnight.

Exoskeletons at the dawn of time.

The thought waves of a renowned painter, famed for his secret skills.

Fireworks by the purple gang in the nick of time.

Crossing the bridge between fear and despair.

The Earth, twenty-four hours before it's about to collapse.

The eye in the storm.

The coals feeding the furnace in hell.

When the reds fade from purple, you're left with the blues.

Desert maze arteries.

The brain cells of a square person, intermittently activated by imagination.

Salvador Dali´s tongue nailed to the floorboard.

The Earth's movement accelerated by time.

Time frozen over before a black hole.

The inviting door that leads to nowhere.

Cracked diamond tears.

Chinks in the human armour.

Space butterfly.

Honeycomb blues.

Brainstorm in process.

Frozen sea.

The wealth of secrets beyond an ancient gate that is impossible to open.

A secret cosmic alphabet.

A glimpse of hope.

The birth of the primary colours.

The strong devouring the weak: a law of nature.

The inevitable decrepitude of time.

Gentle rain before the sun comes out.

When the system lets you down, the circle of hell awaits you.

The show won't begin before the audience has left.

The gate of xenophobia.

Hell's kitchen.

The birth of creation.

Writer's block: a failed brainstorm.


The first dawn in time.


Impenetrable structure made by aliens at some point in the future.

Undecipherable message discovered inside a pyramid.

An ancient lost city frozen over.

The established order and the inevitable winds of change.

Black barring an invasion of blue – or is it the other way around?

The end of the world starts with a handful of yellowcake.

Spiderwebs at 50 degrees below zero.

Simultaneous dialogues on different time-space platforms.

Ice totem.

The moment before birth.

The black hole where all earnings go.

A bird's eye view of a distant, camouflaged world.

Chromaesthesia fireworks provoked by an orchestra's crescendo.

Good as opposed to evil. (The Holocaust Museum building, Jerusalem, Israel.)

Faded mosaic from a Roman emperor's bathhouse.

The promise of life in a faraway galaxy

The events making up the building blocks of time.

The cooling lava on a island that all of a sudden was born out of nowhere.

The abundance of secrets guarded by an ancient gate, impossible to open

The spyhole facing the secret inner workings of the universe.

The arthritic veins of an autocrat who insists on holding on to power.

The fragmented world of argument when forced to acknowledge logic.

From the neck to his knees, a charging warrior with his being filled with righteousness for his cause.

The tangible threat inside a magical forest.

The secret entrance to a perfect world.

The overwhelming impact having to adapt to a new reality to survive.

The resulting twist from two forces reluctantly joined.

Unexpected life in a poisoned well.

The stream of happiness.

Liquen, the first living thing that perishes when air is contaminated, here eating away at century-old, perfectly-fitted, Inka-hewed stone foundations.

The petrified emerald forest, from which no one who has found it has ever returned.

An untouched cave that survived the last ice age.

The midnight scenery from a movie, still in the planning.

Ice-cold water running through the veins of a dragonfly.

Moss feeding on precious stones.

The unknown that lies beyond the red lines about to be crossed.

The difference between power and subservience.

Red alert: a warning about the reality beyond.

The cogwheel of utter disaster.

Twenty solutions countering tyranny.

The boiling agony of a toad infested by parasites.

Fluffy aliens getting their nutrients off glass tiles.

Lucky charms that weren't recovered before they evaporated into thin air.

Imprisoned at the bottom of the well belonging to the last sultan of the East.

Precious stones floating in a petrified river.

Tribal warfare for territory expansion between species of different colours.

An iron tree forged by strong blue winds.

Roots with shoots competing for a place in the sun.

Striped confusion.

The indescifrable secrets inscribed near the top of the world's tallest tree.

A close-up of an insect's eye studying a prey coming closer.

Stone sponges, stealthily draining the world of its colors.

The layers of oppression before the eruption of consciousness.

Caramelized eye candy.

A virtual cityscape sometime in the future.

The rusted skin of a man who survived the Iron Age.

The seductive impression made by a nylon stocking.


The iron trap where it's impossible for colours to escape.

Dancing on the ceiling.

There are people who move without ever advancing.

The den of the red dragon.

The secret knowledge of the alchemist.

The seal to the forbidden passage of lost memories.

Captive in the mildew of ignorance.

A creation out of the blue.

Floating stones competingwith ice floes.

The crucial moment when you finally realise that you should flow with the events.

Four-dimensional chess.

The nine shades of yellow imperfection.

The inevitable decrepitude of the passing time.

Thoughts unable to concentrate.

The balance act on a ledge that leads to nowhere.

The still unmined riches in King Solomon's lost mines.

High pressure underground explosion welling up to the earth's crust.

Unidentified object moving erraticaly across the night sky.

Light imprisoned in a prehistoric sapphire.

Cracks in the human armor.

Tears on the rocks.

Hephaestus hard at work in his smithy.

Blue staccato notes flowing from a red vioin.

Endangered eskimo amulet.
Ancient heatwaves frozen in time.
The present feeding on the past.
Moonscape disturbed by solar winds.
Starlight on the horizon of a distant blue planet.
A quarter to midnight.
Exoskeletons at the dawn of time.
The thought waves of a renowned painter, famed for his secret skills.
Fireworks by the purple gang in the nick of time.
Crossing the bridge between fear and despair.
The Earth, twenty-four hours before it's about to collapse.
The eye in the storm.
The coals feeding the furnace in hell.
When the reds fade from purple, you're left with the blues.
Desert maze arteries.
The brain cells of a square person, intermittently activated by imagination.
Salvador Dali´s tongue nailed to the floorboard.
The Earth's movement accelerated by time.
Time frozen over before a black hole.
The inviting door that leads to nowhere.
Cracked diamond tears.
Chinks in the human armour.
Space butterfly.
Honeycomb blues.
Brainstorm in process.
Frozen sea.
The wealth of secrets beyond an ancient gate that is impossible to open.
A secret cosmic alphabet.
A glimpse of hope.
The birth of the primary colours.
The strong devouring the weak: a law of nature.
The inevitable decrepitude of time.
Gentle rain before the sun comes out.
When the system lets you down, the circle of hell awaits you.
The show won't begin before the audience has left.
The gate of xenophobia.
Hell's kitchen.
The birth of creation.
Writer's block: a failed brainstorm.
The first dawn in time.
Impenetrable structure made by aliens at some point in the future.
Undecipherable message discovered inside a pyramid.
An ancient lost city frozen over.
The established order and the inevitable winds of change.
Black barring an invasion of blue – or is it the other way around?
The end of the world starts with a handful of yellowcake.
Spiderwebs at 50 degrees below zero.
Simultaneous dialogues on different time-space platforms.
Ice totem.
The moment before birth.
The black hole where all earnings go.
A bird's eye view of a distant, camouflaged world.
Chromaesthesia fireworks provoked by an orchestra's crescendo.
Good as opposed to evil. (The Holocaust Museum building, Jerusalem, Israel.)
Faded mosaic from a Roman emperor's bathhouse.
The promise of life in a faraway galaxy
The events making up the building blocks of time.
The cooling lava on a island that all of a sudden was born out of nowhere.
The abundance of secrets guarded by an ancient gate, impossible to open
The spyhole facing the secret inner workings of the universe.
The arthritic veins of an autocrat who insists on holding on to power.
The fragmented world of argument when forced to acknowledge logic.
From the neck to his knees, a charging warrior with his being filled with righteousness for his cause.
The tangible threat inside a magical forest.
The secret entrance to a perfect world.
The overwhelming impact having to adapt to a new reality to survive.
The resulting twist from two forces reluctantly joined.
Unexpected life in a poisoned well.
The stream of happiness.
Liquen, the first living thing that perishes when air is contaminated, here eating away at century-old, perfectly-fitted, Inka-hewed stone foundations.
The petrified emerald forest, from which no one who has found it has ever returned.
An untouched cave that survived the last ice age.
The midnight scenery from a movie, still in the planning.
Ice-cold water running through the veins of a dragonfly.
Moss feeding on precious stones.
The unknown that lies beyond the red lines about to be crossed.
The difference between power and subservience.
Red alert: a warning about the reality beyond.
The cogwheel of utter disaster.
Twenty solutions countering tyranny.
The boiling agony of a toad infested by parasites.
Fluffy aliens getting their nutrients off glass tiles.
Lucky charms that weren't recovered before they evaporated into thin air.
Imprisoned at the bottom of the well belonging to the last sultan of the East.
Precious stones floating in a petrified river.
Tribal warfare for territory expansion between species of different colours.
An iron tree forged by strong blue winds.
Roots with shoots competing for a place in the sun.
Striped confusion.
The indescifrable secrets inscribed near the top of the world's tallest tree.
A close-up of an insect's eye studying a prey coming closer.
Stone sponges, stealthily draining the world of its colors.
The layers of oppression before the eruption of consciousness.
Caramelized eye candy.
A virtual cityscape sometime in the future.
The rusted skin of a man who survived the Iron Age.
The seductive impression made by a nylon stocking.
The iron trap where it's impossible for colours to escape.
Dancing on the ceiling.
There are people who move without ever advancing.
The den of the red dragon.
The secret knowledge of the alchemist.
The seal to the forbidden passage of lost memories.
Captive in the mildew of ignorance.
A creation out of the blue.
Floating stones competingwith ice floes.
The crucial moment when you finally realise that you should flow with the events.
Four-dimensional chess.
The nine shades of yellow imperfection.
The inevitable decrepitude of the passing time.
Thoughts unable to concentrate.
The balance act on a ledge that leads to nowhere.
The still unmined riches in King Solomon's lost mines.
High pressure underground explosion welling up to the earth's crust.
Unidentified object moving erraticaly across the night sky.
Light imprisoned in a prehistoric sapphire.
Cracks in the human armor.
Tears on the rocks.
Hephaestus hard at work in his smithy.
Blue staccato notes flowing from a red vioin.
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