The Discovery that Led to the Explosion of Species
This painting consists of nine separate segments, all rhombs within an all-encompassing rhomb that suggests the female body.
The top rhomb, with its bed of rose leaves, demonstrates the female expectancy confronted with procreation. The two flowers – similar, yet different – are one rose and one carnation. Not the same, but almost. Her neck is adorned with a shell necklace.
The second and third rhomb, although very similar, once again demonstrate that the dissimilitude makes all the difference. Apparently two female breasts, they are eggs and sperms in contact. The left breast is reddish, the right breast is greenish. The way the sperm move is also different.
The rhomb with the hand holding the fish is the provider of food. The rhomb with the hand holding a bird offers beauty, entertainment and adornment. In a protective stance, both hands appear from behind on each side of the female body.
In the middle, the tiger’s head symbolizes the survival of the species. The fly on its nose is the female’s navel. The tiger and the fly are two species resulting from the same evolution.
Below are the thighs of the female; one depicting a serpent and the other a lizard. Both these animals are evolutions from the same ancestor, but the sexual revolution six hundred million years ago have made them distinctly different.
At the bottom, between the female’s legs, is a dromedary resting on nine clouds. The dromedary is a symbol for the male libido.