Power. Gold. Fanatic religious.

The women who drown have proved they’re not witches

Fire purges: the stake is for sinners

The grip of the whip’s in the hand of the winner

Flaming speeches; the rabble’s aroused, and

Books and witches are burnt by the thousand

The machine keeps churning

Turning tricks and fixing fate

The lovers at the midnight burning

Never learning from the smoke of Hate

From the smoke of Hate



Kill thy neighbor, nobody’s minding

Love remains blind – the warhead is blinding

At the end of the day, the flowers in the rifles

Were just another protest, put out and stifled

The lovers, inflamed by political violence,

stand and look at the pyres in silence

The machine keeps churning

Anchored in its dire strait

The lovers at the midnight burning

Never learning from the smoke of Hate

From the smoke of Hate



Guns burst. Feet first. Carry out orders!

Plunder and rape in a state of disorder

Well-fed bloodlust doesn’t need goading

Pins pulled, then thrown; grenades keep exploding

Gun fodder soldiers, what are you afraid of?

You are the stuff that heroes are made of

The machine keeps churning

The bullets knocking on the gate

The lovers at the midnight burning

Never learning from the smoke of Hate

From the smoke of Hate


(… continued …)